What Are the Addresses of TransUnion, Equifax and Experian Credit Reporting Agencies?

As of 2015 the main address of TransUnion is P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, California, 92834. The main address of Experian is P.O. Box 9530, Allen, Texas, 75013. The primary address of Equifax is P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, Georgia, 30374.

Each company also has separate addresses for different departments. TransUnion has separate addresses for requesting an annual free credit report, purchasing a credit report and credit disputes. There are also several addresses dealing with fraud and identity theft activity. Equifax and Experian have different addresses for disputing information on a credit report. It is important to check the credit union’s website for the address specific to the issue to ensure that any information sent is mailed correctly.